NORMA Group informs about the company’s progress in the area of corporate responsibility in its second CR Report

Maintal, Germany, 29 July 2016 – NORMA Group, a global market leader in engineered joining technology, has published its 2015 Corporate Responsibility (CR) Report entitled “Our Responsibility.” The report is based on the internationally recognized Guidelines of the Global Reporting Initiative (GRI). It was produced in line with the new directive GRI G4 – Option “Core” – and the requirements of the GRI Materiality Disclosure Service.
With its second CR Report, NORMA Group informs in detail about its strategic approach as well as the activities and long-term objectives in its five corporate responsibility areas, Responsible Management, Business Solutions, Employees, Environment and Community. Transparency is achieved by specifying concrete key CR figures. The structure of the report is based on the CR Roadmap 2018, the cross departmental roadmap to corporate responsibility for the years to come that was published six months ago.

NORMA Group made significant progress toward implementing CR initiatives in 2014 and 2015. For example, its most strategic suppliers have signed the Supplier Code of Conduct. The code specifies the expectations that NORMA Group has of its suppliers in terms of doing business in a sustainable manner. NORMA Group has been supporting students at Darmstadt Technical University through a three-year “Germany scholarship” (“Deutschlandstipendium”) since 2015. The targeted involvement of the students in the company is planned. In the area of ​​occupational safety, the number of accidents per 1,000 employees was reduced to five in 2015. By implementing a unified group-wide environmental management system according to ISO 14001, NORMA Group saved about 9 percent energy, close to 11 percent water, and nearly 27 percent of residual waste in the manufacturing of its joining products. On international NORMA Help Day 2015, approximately 800 employees in 24 countries engaged in charity work.

The report is available here for downloading. The company presents its strategy, goals and achievements in the non-financial sector under

NORMA Group informs about the company’s progress in the area of corporate responsibility in its second CR Report.pdf


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