Norma Group

corporate responsibility

CR roadmap - Planning ahead

With an action plan, NORMA Group solidifies its corporate responsibility strategy and backs it up with goals and action.

In the spring of 2013, NORMA Group’s corporate responsibility (CR) steering committee adopted a roadmap. They identified general objectives and detailed them with medium- and long-term actions to be taken. At regular intervals, the CR steering committee examines the implementation, adjusts the goals to changed conditions, and modifies the action plan, if necessary.

Responsible Management

A. CR strategy

Target: Development of an appropriate CR strategy

Raise employee awareness of CR issues through various communication activitiesongoing
Semi-yearly meetings of CR steering committeeongoing
Development and rollout of CR policydone
Define goals in five key areas of responsibility (CR roadmap)done
Develop a comprehensive corporate responsibility websitedone
Systematically involve stakeholders in continued CR strategy development2015
Collaborate with a business network addressing corporate responsibility2015

B. CR report

Target: Regularly reporting about CR performance

Identify and collect key performance indicators for a CR reportQ2 2014
Release of first CR report of NORMA GroupQ4 2014
Continuous updates of CR reportfrom 2015 ongoing

C. Compliance

Target: Commitment to ethical business practices, effective systems of corporate governance and compliance

Train all employees on compliance guidelines and anti-trust laws through e-learning modules and personal training sessionsongoing
Annual updates of compliance instructions based on NORMA Group’s business development. Especially consider changes in corporate risk factorsongoing
Publish an annual explanation of the “German Corporate Governance Code (DCGK)” with adequate justification for deviations in accordance with legal requirementsongoing
Launch of a new e-learning module regarding product liabilitydone

Business Solutions

A. Innovation

Target: Being perceived as the leading provider of innovative, value-added solutions; fostering a culture of innovation; providing innovative products and processes; building scientific collaboration

Continuously adequate investment in R&Dongoing
Maintain the ability to innovate through:
- Fostering a fair, transparent incentive structure
- Incentives for patents
- Implementation of a CEO Award as incentive for innovation
ongoing done
Develop and launch Innovation Days with customers2015
Improve business processes by effective management systems. Increase suggestions for improvement by 10 percent compared to 20132014
Develop educational projects with universities; example: competition in cooperation with the Darmstadt technical university (topic: energy efficiency, prize: scholarship)2015

B. Quality

Target: Maintaining the quality and reputation of our standard-setting NORMA products

Continuously monitor quality and service standards in dealing with customers and suppliers (OTD, PPM)ongoing
Use the results of customer satisfaction surveys to continuously improve the company’s performanceongoing
Continuously improve the CSI (Customer Satisfaction Index) and NPS (Net Promoter Score) at the group and regional levelsongoing

C. Supplier development

Target: Encourage sustainable business practices among NORMA Group partners

Increase awareness of environmental system certification among strategically important suppliers ongoing
Set up a systematic supplier development process for new and strategically important suppliersdone
Increase the number of key suppliers (preferred supplier for individual product materials) that are ISO 14001 certified.Q4 2014
Introduce a regional NORMA Group Supplier Award based on a supplier scoring process including sustainability criteriaQ3 2014


A. Overall

Target: Supporting the ILO (International Labour Organization) standards worldwide

Implement ILO standards at all current facilitiesongoing

B. Employer of choice

Target: Positioning NORMA Group as an attractive employer

Regularly elicit employee satisfaction data through the Employee Satisfaction Surveyongoing
Participation rate in the 2014 Employee Satisfaction Survey of at least 90% at group levelQ4 2014
Employee satisfaction indicator in the 2014 Employee Satisfaction Survey to show an overall equal or better result compared with 2012 results at group levelQ4 2014
Improve the recruitment process and, in turn, reduce staff turnover within first nine months after entryongoing

C. Diversity

Target: Support diversity at the company and increase diversity awareness

Develop diversity strategy and introduce efficient measures to increase staff diversity.ongoing
Appointment of diversity officers done
Sign the Diversity Charterdone
Participate in the annual Diversity Day put on by the Diversity Charter organization (next date: June 2015)done

D. Occupational safety and health protection

Target: Invest in a work environment offering reliable, efficient conditions for protecting employees’ health and well-being and expand OHSAS 18001 certifications

Establish local health programs where possible and reasonable ongoing
Expand the training program in behaviour-based safety from the US to Europe and the Asia-Pacific region2014
Reduce the accident rate annuallyongoing
Certification of the remainder sites according to OHSAS 18001: NORMA Russia (Togliatti), NORMA India (Pune), NORMA US (Saltsburg), NORMA US (St. Clair), NORMA Malaysia (Ipoh), NORMA Brazil (Atibaia) 2014/2015


A. Environmental management system

Target: Expand the environmental management system per ISO 14001

Certification of the NORMA France (Briey) and NORMA Serbia (Subotica) sitesdone
Certification of the NORMA Russia (Togliatti), NORMA India (Pune) and NORMA Malaysia (Ipoh) sitesdone

B. Resource conservation and climate protection

Target: Reduce negative environmental impact and climate change as well as set annual environmental goals for every NORMA Group site

Develop a comprehensive environmental and climate protection strategy at group level, including quantitative goals2014
Expand the innovation approach from the product range to consumption of materials in the production processes (especially fluids)ongoing
Clear improvement in resource and energy use over 2013, such as: water consumption, electricity consumption, CO2 emissions, cardboard/paper and general waste productionQ4 2014
Reduce fuel consumption of company cars by incentives for fuel efficient carsongoing


A. Lighthouse project

Target: Cooperation in international development work

Develop a lighthouse project addressing water supplydone
Implement lighthouse project in partnership with an international development organisationdone

B. Corporate volunteering

Target: Strengthen volunteer involvement at our sites

Develop a company-wide volunteer day (NORMA Help Day)done
Hold first NORMA Help Day in Germany as a pilot project done
Group-wide introduction of the NORMA Help Day2015

C. Local involvement

Target: Strengthen local community structures at our locations

Company-wide survey of existing corporate involvement at the sitesdone
Develop company-wide donation and sponsoring guidelinesdone
Support local non-profit projects at the NORMA sitesongoing