NORMA® in the Field

Automotive Aftermarket

NORMA® joins critical lines that transport oil, water, air and other media in cars, trucks and other vehicles.

Machine Building

NORMA® joins critical lines that transport oil, water, air and other media as well as fastening and retaining lines, plates, containers and other components.

White Goods

NORMA® joins fluid lines as well as fastens bases, pre-tensioning door closers, and rubber bellows for residential and commercial appliances, such as refrigerators, washing machines and dryers.

Chemical Industry

NORMA® handles granular materials, joins lines to transport chemical media and joins components used for chemical analysis.


NORMA® connects the pipes and hoses as well as retaining pipes, hoses, pumps and filters for residential, commercial and agricultural water management systems.


NORMA® joins the lines for fuel, cooling water, fresh water, bilge water and ballast water as well as retains hydraulic lines and exhaust gas lines on commercial ships and pleasure craft.

Food and Beverage Industry

NORMA® joins and retains conveyor lines for the food and beverage industry.

Railway Industry

NORMA® joins components for charged air, cooling water and coach heating as well as retains lines, containers and filters for safe, efficient and reliable rail transportation of passengers and freight.


NORMA® joins components for charged air, cooling water, heating, hydraulics and servo drives, fastens sealing sleeves and retains components and lines.


NORMA® joins lines for supply pipes, exhaust pipes, water and wastewater lines for the building, public works, sanitary, water management sectors.

Engine Manufacturing

NORMA® joins lines for cooling water, heating systems, charged air, intake air and exhaust gas and retains lines and components for engine manufacturers.

Pump and Filter Manufacturing

NORMA® joins inlet and outlet lines as well as retains pumps, filters and lines for pump and filter manufacturers.

Mining Industry

NORMA® joins inlet and outlet lines on pumps and hoses for surface and sub-surface mining.


NORMA® joins lines for infrastructure projects, including roads, bridges, tunnels, water distributions and sewage systems, communication systems and electrical grids.

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