NORMA Group welcomes new apprentices and dual student

Maintal, Germany, September 1, 2023 – NORMA Group welcomes today, at the start of the training year, thirteen apprentices and one dual student. Over the course of the next two to three and a half years, the secondary school graduates will be trained to become in-demand specialists at the company’s headquarters in Maintal. The thirteen apprentices include four machine and plant operators and three future specialists for warehouse logistics. Two apprentices are training to become industrial clerks. Also starting their apprenticeships are two mechatronics technician, one process mechanic and one tool mechanic. One of the young adults will also complete the dual course of study in mechanical engineering culminating in a Bachelor of Engineering degree.

“We are proud that we have once again been able to inspire promising young professionals to start their careers at NORMA Group”, says Dirk Fochler, Managing Director. “Young, motivated talents are definitely a source of new momentum for our company and are essential for the success of our business. We are delighted to be able to support our apprentices as they embark on their professional careers.”

NORMA Group employs a total of 29 apprentices and four dual students at its headquarters in Maintal. They benefit, among other things, from an in-house training workshop where trades that are required in the industrial-technical area are taught from scratch. Every year, the company offers at least 15 apprenticeships or dual study program placements. Current job openings and additional information can be found at the NORMA Group Career Portal.

NORMA Group today welcomes thirteen new apprentices and one dual student
NORMA Group today welcomes thirteen new apprentices and one dual student



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