NORMA Group aims to significantly reduce consumption of CO2 and water by 2018

Maintal, Germany, 20 January 2016 – NORMA Group, a global market leader in engineered joining technology, has set binding environmental targets for its global production sites. Carbon emissions are to be reduced by 9 percent and water consumption by 6 percent by 2018. Furthermore, all plants are to be certified according to the international environmental standard ISO 14001 by the end of 2016. The goals have been defined in the Corporate Responsibility Roadmap for 2018, which was published earlier this year (see press release NORMA Group publishes Corporate Responsibility Roadmap for 2018). The company will thus be meeting the same high standards in the area of environmental and climate protection worldwide.

“We will continue to systematically reduce our carbon footprint and consumption of water at our worldwide production sites,” says Werner Deggim, CEO of NORMA Group. “Environmental protection plays an important role in the development and manufacture of our joining technology. At the same time, our products are also ideally suited to help our customers achieve their climate and environmental goals."

Two recent examples illustrate the commitment of NORMA Group: Modernizing of the ventilation system in one of the production halls at its site in Maintal, Germany, in the spring of 2016 will enable heat recovery of up to 90 percent. Compared to the existing ventilation system there is a scope for potential savings of approximately 180.000 kilogrammes CO2 per year. In addition, pollutants in the air will also be reduced significantly through the use of ion generators and selective ozonization of the exhaust air.

Water consumption was reduced from around 12,000 to approx. 2,500 cubic meters at the plant in Pilica, Poland, between 2012 and 2015. In order to achieve this, the water vapor formed during heating processes is partially recycled and reused. The surplus that cannot be recycled feeds the toilets after cooling down. Furthermore, software has been introduced that sends a smartphone message to the responsible employees in the event that water consumption in the production area is too high.

NORMA Group aims to significantly reduce consumption of CO2 and water by 2018.pdf


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