NORMA Group Celebrates Diversity Day

Maintal, Germany, May 30, 2017 – NORMA Group, a global market leader in engineered joining technology, celebrated NORMA Diversity Day today at its German sites under the main theme of “Open Mindset.”

As an international company with 28 production sites on four continents, cultural diversity is part of our company DNA,” said Werner Deggim, CEO of NORMA Group. “Our goal is to have an open, cooperative environment in which we communicate across all borders. NORMA Diversity Day is the ideal opportunity to get to know different facets of diversity and to incorporate new ways of thinking into the workplace,” he added.

At NORMA Group’s headquarters in Maintal, the employees were able to experience an example of the obstacles that wheelchair users and visually impaired people experience in everyday life. Apprentices showed how they perceive diversity in the company in a self-directed film. A panel discussion focused on the importance of diversity in the business world and society. The Mayor of Maintal Monika Böttcher discussed together with Ulrike Eifler, Managing Director of the German Trade Union Federation Southeast Hesse, and Joachim Geimer, President of the EMEA region (Europe, Middle East and Africa) at NORMA Group and Frank Weber, Production Manager of the Maintal plant.

Besides diversity, tolerance and equality of opportunity, open interaction serves as the basis for our living together,” said Mayor Monika Böttcher. “Our city benefits from the fact that a global company such as NORMA Group helps to strengthen these values on site.”

NORMA Group welcomed employees of a workshop for people with disabilities to its production site in Gerbershausen, Thuringia. The employees of Eichsfelder Werkstätten e. V. have been performing packaging and sorting work for NORMA Group in Gerbershausen since 20 years.

NORMA Diversity Day takes place annually as part of the activity day of the Charta der Vielfalt e. V. (Diversity Charter). NORMA Diversity Day is celebrated throughout the company and the sites located outside of Germany celebrate it on a day that they choose for themselves during the summer of 2017. NORMA Group’s Regional Diversity Officers also work to ensure that an open corporate culture of appreciation and equal opportunities is constantly experienced across all sites.
From left to right: Joachim Geimer, Ulrike Eifler, Frank Weber, Monika Böttcher and Mathias Opp.



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