NORMA Group Celebrates Diversity Day

    • Sites worldwide celebrate diversity
    • This year’s theme of team spirit is a core value in daily work

Maintal, Germany, June 19, 2018 – NORMA Group is celebrating NORMA Diversity Day today with the theme of “team spirit,” one of the company’s core values.

As an international company, we bring together many different people. The teams are diverse, for example in terms of age, gender, nationality, religion and disability,” said Stephanie Stemmer, global Diversity Officer for NORMA Group. “We warmly welcome this diversity, which lets us together create an environment in which each and every individual can best develop and bring in their personal talents, abilities and skills.”

At NORMA Group’s headquarters in Maintal, all employees are invited on this day to creatively try out the importance of team spirit and to exchange information on diversity at info boxes. NORMA Diversity Day is celebrated throughout the company. The company’s 27 production sites and many sales offices worldwide celebrate it on a day they choose during the summer. Every year, all of the company’s approximately 8,100 global employees celebrate NORMA Diversity Day under a common theme selected from the company’s core values.

NORMA Group signed the Diversity Charter in 2013 and developed a Diversity Mission Statement the following year. The company is committed to equal opportunities and promotes exchange between employees. Numerous programs have been established to enable employees to spend short to long periods of time at sites abroad.
Reaching the goal together - NORMA Group employees in team work on Diversity Day



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