Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day at NORMA Group: Students learn about technical and commercial professions

Maintal, Germany, April 27, 2017 – NORMA Group, a global market leader in engineered joining technology, welcomed a group of students to the plant in Maintal today. As part of Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day, eleven girls and seven boys were introduced to the diverse training and dual study courses offered by NORMA Group at the Maintal site.

It’s nice to see that so many girls are interested in technical, industrial and commercial professions,” says Lars Prokein, Deputy Head of Training at NORMA Germany GmbH. “Our goal is to show young people the diversity of training opportunities in industrial companies. And we would be very pleased if we could inspire young people to pursue technical professions they so far know very little about.”

During a plant tour, the pupils, all between 10 and 13 years of age, discovered just how many working steps go into producing a quick connector for cooling water lines in cars. They then built their own workpiece – a small engine made of construction steel – in NORMA Group’s training workshop. There, the company has been training young people since 1980. “Our training workshop enables the apprentices to learn every work process step by step without being interrupted by daily business,” says Lars Prokein.

As a growing company and one of the largest employers in the Main-Kinzig region, we are always looking for dedicated employees,” says Jörn Neubert, Managing Director of NORMA Germany GmbH. “That’s why we support young people on their way to careers.” NORMA Group trains at least ten apprentices every year. Anyone who successfully completes the apprenticeship with at least a satisfactory grade is offered an unlimited employment contract with NORMA Group.

NORMA Group also offers dual study courses, besides trainings such as for mechatronics technicians, machine and plant operators, industrial mechanics, process mechanics for plastics and rubber technology, tool mechanics, specialists for warehouse logistics and industrial salespeople. In cooperation with the Berufsakademie in Frankfurt and the Technische Hochschule Mittelhessen, young adults can pursue a Bachelor of Arts in Business Administration or a Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics or Business Engineering.

Girls’ Day and Boys’ Day are Germany-wide vocational orientation events that are supported by several Federal Ministries. On Girls’ Day, girls can check out traineeships and courses in technology, craftwork, IT and natural sciences, where women are not very well represented. As part of Boys’ Day, boys are able to familiarize themselves with occupations in which only a small number of men can be found, in nursing and education, for example.

Additional information on the training opportunities is available here.
Participant Annika filing the workpiece



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