NORMA Group committed to active neighbourhood assistance

Maintal, Germany, 10 June 2016 – NORMA Group, a global market leader in engineered joining technology, held its NORMA Help Day at all of its global sites during the week of 6 June 2016. Its employees engaged in volunteer work for various institutions and projects in the immediate vicinity of their workplaces.

“With NORMA Help Day, we devote our attention to an important aspect of corporate responsibility and look beyond the boundaries of the plant premises. After all, as an international company with sites in 27 countries, we also have strong regional roots. We put this neighbourhood idea into practice with our annual activity day,” said Werner Deggim, CEO of NORMA Group.

Near the company headquarters in Maintal, Germany, employees participated in three projects: they accompanied refugee families on a joint field trip and helped in modernizing a school and a kindergarten. Employees from the U.S. sites in Auburn Hills, Lake Orion and Saltsburg supported kids and adults with special needs at the Special Olympics. They also sorted donated food for the needy, and raised money for a local fire department. In Monterrey, Mexico, employees paid a visit to an orphanage and a home for the elderly where they handed out donations.

In Malaysia and China, the focus was on the environment. Employees cleaned a popular hiking track and the surroundings of a water reservoir. They also handed out brochures to villagers and tourists to raise the awareness of protecting water. Employees in Thailand volunteered in a dog pound for stray dogs.

The international NORMA Help Day was held for the second time in a row this year. Please visit the website for more information on Corporate Responsibility (CR) at NORMA Group and refer to our 2013 Corporate Responsibility Report. The next CR Report will be published this year.

NORMA Group committed to active neighbourhood assistance.pdf


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