Girls’ and Boys’-Day at NORMA Group: Adolescents learn about technical professions

Maintal, Germany, April 28, 2022 – Today, NORMA Group welcomed a group of adolescents at its plant in Maintal. As part of the Germany-wide Girls' and Boys'-Day, six girls and four boys learned all about the diverse range of apprenticeships and dual courses of study offered by NORMA Group at its Maintal site.

“Girls' and Boys'-Day opens up new perspectives and can provide some incentive to pursue a technical profession in an industrial company. We welcome the opportunity to generate enthusiasm among girls and boys for professions that they previously had only limited information about”, says Andreas Apel, Operations Manager at NORMA Germany in Maintal. “At NORMA Group, talented young people are in exactly the right place, regardless of their gender.”

After enjoying breakfast together, during which they were encouraged to exchange ideas, the young participants were given a guided tour of the plant, giving them some insight into the various production processes at NORMA Group. Following the tour, they worked on a component in the company's apprentice workshop. NORMA Group has been training young people there since 1980. In 2021, NORMA Group welcomed five new apprentices at company headquarters in Maintal.

In addition to apprenticeships as a mechatronics technician, machine and plant operator, industrial mechanic, process mechanic for plastics and rubber technology, tool mechanic, specialist for warehouse logistics and industrial clerk, NORMA Group also offers dual study programs. In cooperation with the Berufsakademie Frankfurt and the University of Applied Sciences Mittelhessen, young adults can earn Bachelor of Arts degrees in Business Administration and Bachelor of Engineering degrees in Mechanical Engineering, Mechatronics or Industrial Engineering.

Girls' and Boys'-Day is a Germany-wide day of action for career orientation which is sponsored by the Federal Ministry of Family Affairs and the Federal Ministry of Education. Girls can use this day to familiarize themselves with professions in which women have so far been underrepresented, including engineering, crafts, IT and natural sciences. Conversely, boys have an opportunity to gain insights into professions in which men are underrepresented, such as in the fields of nursing and education.

You can find more information about training opportunities at NORMA Group here.

A Girls' Day participant works on a piece of metal in the apprentice workshop
A Girls' Day participant works on a piece of metal in the apprentice workshop



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