Employees get involved in social projects in Maintal on NORMA Help Day 2022

Maintal, Germany, September 9, 2022 – Employees of NORMA Group in Maintal made an active contribution at this year’s NORMA Help Day and helped refurbish the youth center in the Dörnigheim district.

“NORMA Help Day is an essential component of our corporate responsibility activities”, says Dr. Michael Schneider, CEO of NORMA Group. “At NORMA Help Day, employees around the world spend a day volunteering in various projects with the aim of strengthening the sense of solidarity in our neighborhoods. This is our way of putting our corporate responsibility to work by supporting social projects and institutions close to our sites.”

NORMA Help Day has been taking place since 2014. In Maintal, the event is conducted in cooperation with the volunteer agency Maintal Aktiv. “A lot can be achieved with volunteer work. NORMA Group employees make a valuable contribution to our community with their volunteer work every year on NORMA Help Day and for that I would like to express my sincere gratitude”, says Katharina Kächelein from the volunteer agency Maintal Aktiv.

NORMA Group is involved in various projects around the world on NORMA Help Day. For example, participants in Malaysia helped out at a soup kitchen for people in need. At the site in Juarez, Mexico, numerous employees participated in a blood donation campaign. At other sites, donations in kind were collected for social institutions.
Participants at the NORMA Help Day 2022 in Maintal
Participants at the NORMA Help Day 2022 in Maintal


Employees helped refurbish the youth center in the Dörnigheim
Employees helped refurbish the youth center in the Dörnigheim



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