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Each of our employees is unique. They link their individual life situations with their work at NORMA Group in 25 countries. As a company, we want to value each personality because we are convinced that this leads to better ideas, more innovations and a better working atmosphere.


Commitment in the Diversity Charter

NORMA Group signed the Diversity Charter back in 2013. Among other things, we are committed to maintaining an organizational culture that is characterized by mutual respect and appreciation for each and every individual. NORMA Group provides information on the status of its implementation in its annual Corporate Responsibility Report.

Diversity Mission StatementNORMA Group's detailed CR Report


Exchange through “Bubble Assignments“

Internationality and the associated cultures are an essential part of everyday work at NORMA Group. We want to promote exchange on a professional, personal and cultural level and have therefore established so-called “Bubble Assignments.” NORMA Group employees can get to know the procedures, processes and culture at another site for several months. We describe many of these experiences on the NORMA Group Blog.

NORMA Group Blog


Activities on Diversity Day

Once a year, many NORMA Group sites worldwide take part in the so-called “Diversity Day.” On this day, we celebrate diversity within NORMA Group in a special way. The activities are different at each site and have ranged from cultural events to panel discussions and the organization of an Open House Day in the past.


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