Maintal, Germany, June 30, 2020
NORMA Group, a global market leader in engineered joining technology, successfully held its first virtual Annual General Meeting today. Due to the corona pandemic, the Annual General Meeting was held as a virtual event for the first time, with neither shareholders nor their proxies physically present. 78.34 percent of the share capital was represented in the voting (2019: 68.45 percent).
Voting on agenda items
The shareholders of NORMA Group approved all agenda topics at the unattended Annual General Meeting held today. Among other resolutions, the members of the Supervisory Board and Management Board were discharged by a clear majority. The remuneration system was also approved by the Annual General Meeting. Furthermore, the Annual General Meeting adopted the proposal of the Management Board and Supervisory Board to distribute a minimum dividend of 4 euro cents per share for fiscal year 2019. The resolution was adopted by a 99.9 percent majority.
“We are pleased that the Annual General Meeting approved all agenda items by a large majority,” said Dr. Michael Schneider, CEO of NORMA Group. “We must all stick together, especially in these difficult times. This is why we have made use of short-time work, lowered the dividend, and both the Management and Supervisory Boards as well as senior and middle management have temporarily waived a share of their pay. These measures will help us secure NORMA Group’s financial flexibility in the future.”
The voting results and further information on the Annual General Meeting can be found on the Investor Relations website.
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