NORMA Group commits itself to responsible corporate governance by joining the UN Global Compact

Maintal, Germany, February 7, 2018

NORMA Group has joined a United Nations sustainability network. As a participant in the United Nations Global Compact initiative, the company is committed to ten principles of Corporate Responsibility (CR). These include respect for human rights, the elimination of corruption, discrimination, forced and child labor and the promotion of environmentally-friendly technologies.

We have long integrated the principles of the UN Global Compact into our daily activities,” says Bernd Kleinhens, Chairman of the Management Board of NORMA Group. “As an international company already involved in several local CR initiatives, we would like to reaffirm our commitment to responsible corporate governance on the global level as well.

NORMA Group also considers the principles of the UN Global Compact in its CR Roadmap 2020. The Roadmap summarizes NORMA Group’s Corporate Responsibility goals through 2020 and defines appropriate metrics that can be used to verify the achievement of each goal. In line with the Global Compact, there should be no judicial breaches of anti-discrimination laws and laws protecting workers’ freedom of association. The company is also committed to training its employees in compliance and preventing corruption, and to increasingly consider sustainability aspects when selecting suppliers.

In accordance with the requirements of the UN Global Compact, NORMA Group will report annually on compliance with the ten principles. Around 13,000 organizations have already joined the United Nations sustainability initiative worldwide.

NORMA Group has already joined several CR networks in Germany, including the Diversity Charter and the Hessian Charter on the reconciliation of work and care. NORMA Group has also shown its commitment to social responsibility with the UK Modern Slavery Act 2015 and the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act.


Lina Bosbach

Director Group Communications

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