NORMA Group awarded Platinum status in the EcoVadis sustainability assessment

Maintal, Germany, May 14, 2020

NORMA Group, a global market leader in engineered joining technology, has been awarded the best possible status “Platinum” by the sustainability agency EcoVadis. NORMA Group thus ranks among the best one percent of the roughly 65,000 companies evaluated by EcoVadis.

“We are very pleased about being awarded Platinum status,” said Dr. Michael Schneider, CEO of NORMA Group. “It proves that we are on the right track with our sustainability management. We are aware of our corporate responsibility and want to make a significant contribution to shaping a more sustainable society. The efficient use of energy and the economical use of limited resources such as water are part of our corporate strategy. We already offer resource-saving solutions in the areas of water management and e-mobility. The rating is an incentive for us to continue to consistently pursue our efforts to sustainably manage our business.”

EcoVadis’ sustainability rating covers the categories Environment, Labor and Human Rights, Ethics and Sustainable Procurement. According to the agency, NORMA Group has an advanced sustainability management system that covers all of these categories. As part of the evaluation process, NORMA Group completed an extensive questionnaire and provided relevant documents for the evaluation, such as policy statements and process descriptions. In addition, the rating agency conducted its own research, on incidents in the area of occupational safety, for example. NORMA Group’s strengths were considered to include the environmental management system implemented at many sites and the whistleblower system for reporting compliance cases. The Supplier Code of Conduct and the extensive reporting of greenhouse gases were also positively included in the evaluation. NORMA Group has participated in the EcoVadis rating every year since 2016 and has been able to continuously improve its rating since then. Last year, for example, NORMA Group achieved Gold Status.

EcoVadis is an international service provider for sustainability ratings. The sustainability agency also provides information and tools that companies can use to improve and make their global supply chains more sustainable. The assessment makes companies’ sustainability activities globally measurable and comparable.

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Lina Bosbach

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