Corporate Governance 

Corporate Governance means the responsible and transparent management and supervision of a company in the company’s interest, i.e. under consideration of the needs of its shareholders, employees and other affiliated groups of the company (stakeholders), and with the aim of sustained added value creation. The Government Commission Corporate Governance aims at implementing internationally and nationally recognized standards of a regulatory legal framework of a company’s management and supervision in Germany and by doing this to promote the trust of national and international investors, customers, employees and the general public in the management and supervision of these companies.

The Government Commission German Corporate Governance Codex (Regierungskommission Deutscher Corporate Governance Kodex) published the German Corporate Governance Codex on 26 February 2002. Since then, the Government Commission has followed the development of Corporate Governance in legislation as well as in practice and is verifies at least once a year the necessity of aligning the Codex. The current version of the German Corporate Governance Codex is published in the German Federal Gazette (Bundesanzeiger) and can be downloaded from the website of the Government Commission German Corporate Governance Codex. For more information regarding the German Corporate Governance Codex, please visit the webiste:

NORMA Group SE welcomes the German Corporate Governance Codex which is presented and regularly updated by the Government Commission. We understand Corporate Governance as a continuous process and we will attentively follow future developments.

The declaration on corporate governance in accordance with Section 289f and Section 315d of the German Commercial Code (HGB) can be found in the respective annual report under financial reports for each financial year. It contains the declaration of compliance, information on corporate governance practices and a description of the working methods of the Management Board and Supervisory Board.



Rules of Procedure of the Management Board of NORMA Group SE

Sep 17, 2021

application/pdf | 167 KB

Rules of Procedure of the Supervisory Board of NORMA Group SE

Oct 1, 2020

application/pdf | 314 KB

December 13, 2024Compliance Statement 2024Download
December 15, 2023Compliance Statement 2023Download 
December 16, 2022Compliance Statement 2022Download
December 17, 2021Compliance Statement 2021Download
March 19, 2020191216 German Corporate Governance CodeDownload
December 18, 2020Compliance Statement 2020Download
December 20, 2019Compliance Statement 2019Download
January 31, 2019Compliance Statement 2019Download
January 31, 2018Compliance Statement 2018Download
January 31, 2017Compliance Statement 2017Download
February 19, 2016Compliance Statement 2016Download
February 20, 2015Compliance Statement 2015Download
February 20, 2014Compliance Statement 2014Download
March 4, 2013Compliance Statement 2013Download
March 9, 2012Compliance Statement 2012Download
August 4, 2011Compliance Statement 2011Download