Sustainability ratings

NORMA Group's sustainability performance in the areas of environment, social affairs and governance is continuously evaluated by external rating agencies. We incorporate the feedback from the agencies to further improve our sustainability management.

Innovations for sustainable business solutions

The evaluation of sustainability ratings is based on the most important sustainability indicators in the areas of environment, social affairs and corporate governance. In this context, NORMA Group is generally required to substantiate its commitment in the area of sustainability with documents and certificates. The results of the ratings are primarily used by two stakeholder groups: customers and financial market players.

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Current results of sustainability ratings

CDP sustainability rating logo

Score: C



Ecovadis sustainability rating logo

Score: 77 out of 100


Gold Standard 2024

ISS ESG sustainability rating logo

Score: C+

Prime Status


MSCI ESG sustainability rating logo

Score: AA



Sustainalytics sustainability rating logo

Risk Score: 20.0 of 100

Low Risk


ESG sustainability rating logo

ESG Industry Top Rated