NORMA Group SE has a dual management system that consists of a Management Board and a Supervisory Board. The Management Board manages the Company under its own responsibility while the Supervisory Board advises and monitors the Management Board.
Born in 1960
Nationality: German
Group Development, Group Communications, Regional Organization, Sales, Marketing, Human Resources & Integrity, Legal and M&A, Product Development, Research and Development, Divisional Organization
Professional Background
2009 - 2022 CFO Stabilus SA, Luxembourg / Koblenz
2003 - 2009 CFO FTE automotive GmbH, Ebern
1987 - 2003 Various specialist and leading positions at Ford Motor Co. within Europe and the US
Dipl Process Engineering
Dipl Industrial Engineering
Mandates in supervisory boards or comparable bodies outside NORMA Group
Born in 1982
Nationality: German
Last date of appointment: 2023
Production, Purchasing, Supply Chain Management, Operational Global Excellence, ICT, Quality, EHS (Environment, Health and Safety), Project Management
Professional background
2020 - 2023 Executive Vice President at Dräxlmaier Group, Vilsbiburg
2019 - 2020 Senior Vice President & Chief Operating Officer Components at Dräxlmaier Group, Vilsbiburg
2019 - 2019 Vice President & Head of Operations Interior at Dräxlmaier Group, Vilsbiburg
2008 - 2019 Various positions at Dräxlmaier Group, Vilsbiburg
Studies / professional education
Doctorate in Engineering from TU Dresden
Studies of Wood and Fiber Materials Technology at TU Dresden
Studies of Wood Technology at TH Rosenheim
Completed training as a carpenter
Mandates in supervisory boards or comparable bodies outside NORMA Group
Born in 1964
Nationality: German
Last date of appointment: 2023
Finance & Reporting, Controlling, Treasury & Insurances, Investor Relations, Corporate Responsibility / ESG (Environment, Social, Governance), Risk Management & Internal Audit
Professional background
2018 – 2020 Management Board, CFO Finance, Indirect Purchasing & General Services at Hoffmann SE, Munich
1996 – 2017 Various leading positions (most recently as Managing Director and CFO of the Northern and Eastern Europe region) at Faurecia Group, Stadthagen
1991 – 1996 Arthur Andersen & Co GmbH, Audit and Tax Advisory Firm, Hannover
Studies / professional education
Global Senior Management Program (Faurecia Programs), INSEAD, Fontainebleau Cedex, France
Studies of economics at University of Paderborn
Studies of law at the University of Bielefeld
Mandates in supervisory boards or comparable bodies outside NORMA Group
No further mandates
Born in 1966
Nationality: German
Professional background
2019 - 2022 CFO, GESCO SE, Wuppertal, Germany
2015 - 2018 Managing Director Finance & Administration/CFO, OTTO KRAHN (GmbH & Co.) KG and ALBIS PLASTIC GmbH, Hamburg, Germany, including one year as temporary Spokeswoman of the Management Board/CEO
2008 – 2015 Director Finance & Administration/CFO, AIR LIQUIDE Deutschland GmbH, Düsseldorf, Germany
1993 – 2008 Auditor at Ernst & Young GmbH Wirtschaftsprüfungsgesellschaft, Düsseldorf, Germany
Studies / professional education
Degree in economics, Diplom-Ökonom, University of Duisburg Gesamthochschule, Germany
Dual study program, Diplom-Betriebswirtin (BA), Robert Bosch GmbH & Berufsakademie Stuttgart, Germany
Further training: Auditor exam, tax consultant exam, Certified member of the supervisory board (Board Academy, Munich)
Relevant knowledge, skills and professional experience
Many years of experience as an auditor in an international industrial environment. CFO activities in international manufacturing and distribution companies, including a listed industrial holding company, with a strong focus on strategy and business development
Other Mandates in Supervisory Boards and other committees
Other relevant activities
Senior Advisor Finance (independent management consultant)
Member of the Executive Board/Treasurer of Street Child Deutschland e.V. (non-profit organization, honorary)
Born in 1961
Nationality: German
Current Occupation
Managing Director of Brüder Grimm Berufsakademie Hanau GmbH and freelance consultant
Career Progression
2006 - 2008 Head of Sales, nextevolution AG, Frankfurt
2001 - 2005 Head of Marketing and Practice Management, ITELLIUM Systems & Services GmbH, Frankfurt
2000 - 2001 Business Development Manager, SAP Systems Integration AG, Alsbach
1986 - 2000 CIO and Head of General Administration, Balzers and Leybold Deutschland Holding AG, Hanau
Studies of Mathematics and Physics at Johann Wolfgang Goethe University Frankfurt/Main
Relevant knowledge, skills and professional experience
Other mandates in Supervisory Boards and other committees
No further mandates
Other important activities
Director of Brüder-Grimm Berufsakademie Hanau GmbH, Hanau
Born in 1965
Nationality: German
Current occupation
Member of the Management Board of REHAU Management SE, Rehau
Chief Executive Officer of REHAU Automotive, Rehau
Professional background
2010 - 2019 Executive Vice President & Head of Fuel Management, Powertrain Division, Continental AG, Dortmund
2006 - 2009 Chief Executive Officer, Siemens VDO Automotive India Ltd, Bangalore, India
1997 - 2006 Development engineer, sales engineer and division manager programm management, Mannesmann VDO AG, Schwalbach
Studies / professional education
Research associate and doctorate at the Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, London, United Kingdom
Studies of mechanical engineering, RWTH Aachen
Studies of mechanical engineering, preliminary diploma, TU Dortmund
Relevant knowledge, skills and professional experience
Other mandates in Supervisory Boards and other committees
No further mandates
Other important activities
Born in 1955
Nationality: German
Current Occupation
Freelance business consultant in drive and vehicle technology in Dörsdorf
Career Progression
2010 - 2012 Management Board member Technical Development of Adam Opel AG, Rüsselsheim, and Vice President Engineering of General Motors Europe, Rüsselsheim
2008 - 2010 Executive Director for the overall vehicle development of Adam Opel AG, Rüsselsheim
2005 - 2008 Executive Director for engine and transmission development of General Motors in Europe, Turin
2001 - 2005 Chair of the Management of GM Powertrain Deutschland GmbH, a subsidiary of FIAT-GM Powertrain Joint Ventures, Rüsselsheim
1999 - 2001 Chief engineer for production planning of engines and transmissions for General Motors Europe, Rüsselsheim
1984 - 1985 General Motors International Fellowship Trainee Program at GM Technical Center in Warren Michigan, USA
1977 - 1999 Holder of various specialist and leading positions within the Technical Development of Adam Opel AG, Rüsselsheim
Bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering at the Kettering University (former General Motors Institute) in Flint Michigan, USA
Studies in mechanical engineering with a focus on 'energy and heat engineering' at the University of Applied Sciences Darmstadt
Relevant knowledge, skills and professional experience
Other mandates in Supervisory Boards and other committees
Member of the Board of Directors (Non-Executive Director) of AerCap Holdings N.V., Dublin, Ireland (listed company)
Member of the Board of Directors (Non-Executive Director) of Johnson Matthey PLC, London, UK (listed company)
Other important activities
Born in 1962
Nationality: Dutch
Current Occupation
Freelance business consultant
Career Progression
2011 - 2015 Managing director Legal & Regulatory Division of Wolters Kluwer BV, Netherlands, and Director of the Wolters Kluwer global business line workflow solutions, New York, USA
2007 - 2011 Chief Executive Officer, LexisNexis Business Information Solutions SA, Paris, France
2000 - 2007 Various leading positions within Cap Gemini Engineering, Paris, France
1998 - 2000 Business Development Manager, Heerema Group NV, Oslo, Norway
1991 - 1998 Chief Legal Officer, Royal BAM Group NV, Den Haag, Netherlands
1988 - 1991 Lawyer, Rotterdam, Netherlands
Prince of Wales Business & Sustainability Leadership Program, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
International Directors Program, certified Board Director, Insead Business School, Fontainebleau, France
Advanced Management Programm, Harvard Business School, Boston, USA
LL.M., University of Rotterdam, Netherlands
Relevant knowledge, skills and professional experience
Other mandates in Supervisory Boards and other committees
Member of the Board of Directors (non-executive director) of Cicor Technologies AG, Boudry, Switzerland (listed)
Member of the Supervisory Board of Royal BAM Group NV, Bunnik, Netherlands (listed)
Member of the Board of Directors (non-executive director) of Schweizerische Post AG, Berne, Switzerland (not listed)
Other important activities
Lay judge (expert) enterprise chamber, court of appeal Amsterdam, Netherlands
Erika Schulte was appointed by the Annual General Meeting on May 11, 2023. Her term of office lasts until the end of the Annual General Meeting, which decides on the discharge of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2024, no longer however than for six years.
Kerstin Müller-Kirchhofs was appointed to the Supervisory Board of NORMA Group SE by court order on September 9, 2024. She has been a member and Chairwoman of the Audit Committee of NORMA Group SE since September 21, 2024. The term of her current appointment to the Supervisory Board runs until the end of the Annual General Meeting that resolves on the discharge of the Supervisory Board for the 2024 financial year. Kerstin Müller-Kirchhofs will stand for election by the shareholders at NORMA Group's Annual General Meeting in May 2025.
The other Supervisory Board members were elected by the Annual General Meeting on May 11, 2023. Their term of office lasts until the termination of the Annual General Meeting deciding about the discharge of the members of the Supervisory Board for the financial year 2026, but for a maximum period of six years.
Sep 17, 2021
Oct 1, 2020